Welcome to PROJECT:TALK's volunteering portal!
Here you will find opportunities from all PROJECT:TALK locations, these range from opportunities with PROJECT:TALK CIC itself to supporting local university societies, sixth forms or in the local community.
Each opportunity will have different levels of training required to take part - each requirement will be written in the job description. If you would like to look by location please select your location from the buttons below.
LEVEL 1 | Any member of the community can volunteer
LEVEL 2 | Completed Basic Mental Fitness Ambassador (MFA) training
LEVEL 3 | Completed Specialist Mental Fitness Ambassador training
If you would like to know more about our Mental Fitness Ambassador Programme and be to be able to take part in Level 2 and 3 volunteering opportunities then click here to find out more and apply.
If you would like a volunteering opportunity to be displayed please get in contact here
This page is best viewed on a desktop.